Saturday, December 20, 2014

Holy sheet Batman, there are only six more sleeps until Christmas!!!

What the?  How did December just fly by?  I started the month pretty organised.  Tree went up at the start of December.  Followed by some festive house decorations.  I was even more prepared with the advent calendar.  Admittedly I did forget a couple of days, but that's to be expected.  It's happened so regularly over the years it's become a new tradition, just one the kids don't recognise yet.  Even the majority of presents is sorted.  Yet somewhere between the first of December and now it's beginning to all fall apart.  Whatever needs to be done is likely to be done with three children in tow, begrudgingly being dragged from shop to shop.  I haven't taken a Christmas photo of the kids, I haven't planned the menu for Christmas day, presents still need to be wrapped, some presents still need to be bought, the house could do with a clean.  Aaarrgghhhh......deep breaths, deep breaths. Serenity now.

Decorating the tree and listening to a bit of Bing Crosby.

Got our tree set up by the front windows this year.

Milly and I created a festive hanging centrepiece for over the dining table.

Stockings are up.

Some snowflakes and mistletoe greet you at the front door.

Proof that Milly can be thoughtful and sweet.

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