Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Another green thumb

Following his birthday and being the proud new owner of a set of his own gardening tools, our littlest man was very keen to get planting.  He woke up one morning and wanted to go to Bunnings and buy some plants.  He was keen to get his gardening on.  So of we went.

Buster loves Bunnings.  He loves the playground, the kid-sized trolleys, dancing around the nursery to the outdoor music, and getting a stamp on his hand when he leaves.  It's a complete outing for him.

He was very considered when making his selection.  He didn't want flowers or a bush.  He wanted to plant something he could eat and ended up choosing strawberry and cucumber plants.

Once home he headed straight out to the vege patch and picked the spots he wanted to plant them in.  He has watched me countless times plant things in our garden and I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised how observant he has been, as he remembered how to carefully remove the plants from their nursery pots and separate them while I dug some holes.

Now we water and wait for them to grow and produce.

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