Saturday, December 27, 2014

Gingerbread house

Each Christmas I've managed to break a promise to myself to make my own gingerbread house.  I have in the past bought a gingerbread house making kit and the kids have enjoyed making them.  But let's be honest, it's really eating the lollies as they put them on the house that they like the most.  And if I'm really honest, that's my favourite bit too.  Plus simply the gingerbread in these kits is either ginger flavoured cardboard or pretty ordinary on taste.

The plan was to make four little individual houses we could each decorate.  I drew a design and measured out the shapes to cut but realised once I rolled the dough out we didn't have enough to make the individual houses.  Plan B was executed, more plans and measurements made and hey presto we had a glorious smelling house to assemble and decorate.

I almost came unstuck again when I realised I didn't have any powdered royal icing in my baking stash so needed to make that from scratch too.  It was so easy to make and worked out better than the "just add water" stuff I'd used in the past.  Winning.

Milly helped hold the house together while I piped on the icing and it wasn't long before it had set hard enough that we could start eating lollies and decorating.  The kids all picked a wall each to place some windows and glue their lollies.  The hardest part was holding them back from eating the house once we had finished.

I gotta say, this was the best tasting gingerbread house I've ever eaten and the most fun to make.  We'll be making another next year for sure.

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