Friday, December 30, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Santa is coming... we're keeping one of the good little boys here with us.

With Christmas only a few short sleeps away we're all looking forward to catching up with family, or parts there of, plenty to eat and drink, and of course watching Henry open up all his presents and then playing with the paper. We are at home this year with Jackie, Corin and Yin. Corin will be playing Santa courtesy of a birthday he had a couple of weeks ago where Henry treated him to a fancy red outfit just for the occasion.
Henry has had his first trip to the pool in recent weeks. He seemed a little hesitant at first, probably trying to work out why his bath was so cold, and big. He soon got into it though and happily splashed about until it was time to get out. We expect to be spending more time in the water in the coming months as it warms up in this part of the world.

Merry Christmas to everyone !!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Lunch Club

Recently we caught up with a couple of friends for lunch. Thanks to Jase for some great food, and for putting us to shame in the photo department.
After lunch we all took turns in having a cuddle and our photo taken with Henry. This is normally Kates' job, but she couldn't make it on account of her current travels. Hello Kate and Ed if you are reading this from some exotic far away place. We had saved you some dessert, but then Jase made us eat it all.

Henry and Jase

Henry with Jen