Friday, December 19, 2014

Goodbye preschool

Yesterday was the end of an era - the preschool era.  We had been lucky that we found an exceptional preschool for the kids to attend and it was sad to say goodbye to them after five years of wonderful care and support.  I won't lie, I cried.  So did they.

As is tradition at the preschool, the last day was a Christmas concert.  If you are a regular reader you may remember last year's concert and Buster's performance (read about it here).  This year he was more cooperative but I'm pleased and proud he remained an individual and added his own touch to each performance piece.  The song from Sesame Street "One of these kids is doing their own thing" always springs to mind when I watch Buster.

At the end of the concert they held a graduation ceremony and each child received a portfolio of some of their art, and photos and stories from their time at preschool.  Henry and Milly, as well as Nanoo came along to watch too.

So now we are officially on school holidays, Christmas is upon us and we are looking forward to next year and what it may bring.

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