Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Preschool ends

Now that the end of the year is drawing to a close so has an important chapter in Milly's life.  Her time at preschool has come to an end and she will start school next year.  Her preschool put on a little concert to celebrate and they held a graduation ceremony, presenting each preschooler with a portfolio of their work and memories of their time at the centre.  It was lovely to watch Milly sing and dance with her friends, some of who she will be going to school with and some who she might not see again.  I thought I might have a little cry but held it together in the end.  For me it really isn't goodbye as Buster will be starting at the preschool next year.

Milly has been a bit anxious about starting school.  She has had a couple of orientations of the kindergarten rooms and the first one didn't go so well.  Thankfully, the second was the charm.  But with all things Milly we can never really predict how she will react.  So despite the nervous tears and a couple of tantrums I was surprised when we got home from her final day at preschool and she marched over to her special file holder on the bookcase where I keep all her preschool artwork and newsletters and started throwing it all out, declaring "I don't need this baby stuff anymore!".  I guess she has decided she is now ready for school.  Look out!

Milly and her bestie Annika.  Fingers crossed they will be in the same kindergarten class next year.

When you're tired, you're tired.  A noisy preschool concert ain't going to stop our little Boo from having a sleep if he feels like it.

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