Monday, December 17, 2012

Our karate kid

It hasn't been that long since Henry started learning karate and on Friday night he was ready for his first grading.  Grading is the process used in karate that allows students to progress through the belts.  As Henry is a junior beginner he started on his white belt and his next belt to achieve is called a yellow stripe.

To grade he needed to show he could do some beginner stances, punches, blocks, a learned kata (which is a sequence of movements representing offensive and defensive postures), and kumite (sparring).  His grading was conducted with a large group of junior karate students all grading for their respective belts and was run like a giant karate class.
It was a very proud moment to see Henry presented with a congratulatory certificate by the head of the martial arts centre Renshi Hayes, who is also a 6th Dan.  It was a prouder moment when they asked me to present him with his new belt. 

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