Friday, November 18, 2011

The Boo turns two

Our little man has turned two. And when I say little, I mean little, because he is still growing into many of his size 1 clothes. But don't think just because he is small he is still a baby. Buster has a big vocabulary and his language skills are very good. He is physically very capable and has great coordination. So to celebrate his achievements and birthday milestone we had a little get together on the weekend with my brother and his family to celebrate.

Buster seemed a natural when it came to present opening. No one need show him how to do it, he instinctively ripped open his gifts like a seasoned professional. This was a bit of a disappointment to Henry, who was quite keen to open Buster's presents for him.

I'd made Buster a train cake. He was very good a blowing out the candles and then helping himself to the lollies decorating the cake.

On the morning of Buster's actual birthday we were all woken quite early by a very excited Henry - excited because he wanted to open Buster's presents. Buster is quite used to fending off his big brother and sister and voicing "mine", and was more than capable of opening his own presents.

Funnily enough, after his midday nap the first thing he said when I picked him up out of his cot was "more pressies". Thankfully during his nap time a courier and the postman had made their deliveries and I was able to oblige Buster his need for "more pressies".

After a long day of present opening, playing and taking birthday phone calls, our little man was tired. Some cuddles from Mum ended his special day.


Kim-Marie from Kimba Likes said...

Oh, adorable! Tiff, loving your curly do too x

Kim-Marie from Kimba Likes said...

Oh, adorable! Tiff, loving your curly do too x