Saturday, February 23, 2008


At 10 months of age, Milly finally has her first tooth. It arrived with the usual drama whenever Milly is uncomfortable or not getting her way, so yes there were some tears. She has also just started crawling on her hands and knees, and pulling herself up to her knees. It won’t be long and she’ll be standing.

She is a typical Bartley/Hobson, ie she loves to eat. In fact she is the happiest when she has something in her hand she can munch on. She can also be a stubborn little girl when it comes to dinner time. She isn’t interested in baby food anymore. When she sits in her high chair at the dining table with the rest of us, she won’t eat unless it is exactly the same food we are eating.

Henry is enjoying his little sister. He is a great big brother to her. They have their bath together, splashing and squealing at each other. Henry takes her down the slide at the playground sitting on his lap. Milly likes to play with whatever Henry is playing with and Henry is already clued in to distracting her with other toys when he sees her crawling towards something he doesn’t want to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Milly is coming along just fine isn't she. I do enjoy looking at this blog. I feel I know the children even though have never met them, as you paint such a good picture in words. I can just imagine seeing Henry protecting his special toys with a bit of tactful distraction...ha ha....well it works for now Henry! bless him.