Thursday, January 04, 2018

Farewell primary school

I can't believe it's 2018 already.  It already promises to be a big year for our little family.  It will certainly be a big year for Mister.  He has completed primary school and this year embarks on high school.

His farewell from Year 6 saw the end of last year go by in a blur (hence not much blog posting from me).  There were final high school inductions for students and parents, final Year 6 parties, fetes, performances and presentations.  When the school year finally came to a close Mister was exhausted.

His big send off was the Year 6 farewell dinner and disco.  A night that belonged to him and his friends.  Teachers were present and parents were allowed to take part for the first 30 minutes before we were all shown the door and only allowed back for the final 15 minutes of the night.  It really was a celebration for the kids where they could let their hair down.  

The last school day of the year saw the "clap out" of Year 6.  A tunnel of arms for the kids to pass through and be acknowledged by the school community.  Plus the official Year 6 shirt that needed signing by classmates.

And so, high school starts in a few weeks.  My hopes for Mister are he transitions well, makes new friends, and finds subjects that wet his educational appetite.  It might be too much to ask that he stay focused and improves on his organisational skills.  At the very least I hope he comes home from school and is excited to show or tell me something he learned that day.

The photos below express just that.  I took these photos months ago after a high school transition day.  Mister was keen to cook for me and show me what he learned during the home economics class he did.  For a kid who won't even butter his own bread, I was surprised when he picked up a knife and used a chopping board, then prepared these pizza scrolls.   He was so proud of himself and so was I.

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