Friday, November 18, 2016

Buster's face plant

Buster seems to be the child that gets injured all the time.  I've had more phone calls from the school's office saying he is in sick bay or sustained a knock to the head, than I have had for the other two kids combined.

This time he sustained his injury on the playground equipment.  Rather than climbing up a ladder, he was climbing down the ladder...... face first.  He lost his grip or gravity took over and he fell on his face straight into the metal landing.

Under his ice pack was a large bump forming on his eyebrow and a bruise already surfacing on his cheek.

Not cuts or broken bones, just chalking up another bruised noggin for this child.  A few days later and the bruise has stretched to his eye too.

Will it be a lesson learned for Boo?  Probably not.

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