Monday, October 24, 2016

Some random updates

The kids are now all back at school for the final term of the year.  Another year is racing by and their lives are busy with friends and activities.

Milly has discovered a love of shopping and now wants to wear dresses.  I feel for her having a mum like me, who isn't a fan of either of those things.  But I try and it gives us some time together, just the two of us.  

She has a lovely group of friends, is busy in one of the school dance groups, joined the school knitting club, does squad swimming, and will endlessly cartwheel and backbend until bedtime.

During the school holidays I dyed sections of her hair purple, which she loved.  It is now almost washed out but I can see her wanting to repeat it because she likes being an individual.

Henry is eating and growing and eating and growing.  His appetite is man-sized, as are his growing feet.  He also has a lovely group of friends, is in the school boy's dance group, in the school skipping team and demonstration team, plays tennis, and does squad swimming,  No wonder he eats as much as he does.  I'm predicting by the end of next year he'll be as tall as me.

He also desperately wants a dog.

Buster has grown a little.  He's on the countdown for turning seven, although I'm still to get the size five box of clothes out of storage.  He is our little man.  He plays tennis and attends swimming lessons.

He also likes to have his photo taken and often when we are walking about he'll stop and pose and ask me to take his picture.

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