Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Our eight wheeler

"The cutest thing I'm going to see all day" is what the sales girl said to Michael when Buster was getting fitted for his roller skates.  This level of cutest we experience everyday.  It's the twinkle in his eye, the scattered freckles across his nose, and the single dimple when he grins.  It quite simply is the magic of our little man Boo.

Finding roller skates for small people (especially boys) is not easy.  Milly's skates were found in a toy store and Henry's blades at a sports store.  Poor Buster was in tears that we couldn't find any for him.  After some rigorous hunting by Nanoo she located a specialist roller skating shop 35km away, and on the weekend Michael took him to get the skates.

Once home he immediately wanted to try them out.  We don't really have a smooth, flat surface for skating on, but an attempt was made in our carport anyway.

What we really needed was a visit to Nanoo's house where there is plenty of concrete to skate on. The weather conditions at Nanoo's slowed us down but there were some chances for Boo to have a go and he's already looking forward to going back for more skating time.

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