Saturday, July 04, 2015

Colonial day

I remember when I was in primary school learning about colonial Australia.  I also remember the weeks spent learning bush dances.  It promised to be fun at the time.  You got to get out of the classroom, but the trade off was having to partner with a boy, hold his hands, or have his arms around your waist.  When you're 10 years old, there is nothing joyous about it.  It was all very icky for everyone involved.

So here we are some 30 (cough) years later and Henry has been enduring the same educational ritual.  Although, hopefully he is learning more about our true colonial heritage which includes our indigenous history.

While I don't remember having to dress up in colonial costume when I was in primary school, it was all too familiar when I showed up to watch Henry and his school year bush dance and the unease they displayed with touching each other or making eye contact.

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