Tuesday, January 06, 2015

New Year New Hair

His hair.  His beautiful hair.  His gorgeous curls.  Say goodbye...... for now.

Yes, it was time for the Boo to get his yearly hair cut.  The long, hot summer days were turning our boy into a sweaty head.  Michael grabbed the scissors and Boo for once was willing.  There was a snip, snip here and a snip, snip there.  Here a snip, there a snip, everywhere a snip, snip.

Michael's efforts with the scissors were very good but let's just say his work was a bit uneven and we needed to call in the professionals.  Boo was a bit anxious about having someone else cut his hair, "I only like Dadda to do it" is what he would say.  Thank goodness hairdressers are equipped with portable movie devices and once Boo was strapped in the chair watching the Lego Movie he was a very good client.

The hairdresser had her work cut out for her (no pun intended) and needed to take more hair off than we wanted, to account for the uneven bits, but the end result has our Boo looking like a choir boy (almost) if it was not for his cheeky grin.


1 comment:

Cynthia said...

So sad to see those curls go. But he looks 3 years older straight away! Amazing;-)