Saturday, June 29, 2013

The magic of Harry Potter

If you've never read the Harry Potter books nor seen the films then this blog post might not make much sense to you.  But know this - the magic and imagination in those books transcends the pages and inspires the reader.

For the past year we have been reading the Harry Potter books to Henry..... and Milly and Buster when they sit in and listen before becoming too fidgety.  We've also let them watch some of the movies.  The stories have influenced their playtime together and inspired some creative activities - all self initiated.

They run around casting spells on each other and they have made Tom Riddle's diary and The Marauder's Map.

The magic of Harry Potter is that it's the gift that keeps on giving.

Henry's Marauder's Map
A magical document that reveals all of Hogwarts School, showing every classroom, hallway, corner of the castle, the grounds of the castle and secret passages.

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