Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent update

Just a little update on how the new advent calendar is going. It's going super, thank you. Henry has really embraced checking each box for a little note and reading it out loud. The first few mornings he'd awake a bit early (ie 5.30am) and come and wake me up and tell me the message. I think he was expecting me to enthusiastically jump out of bed and complete whatever action was in the note. Thankfully, my bleary eyes, dismissive waving of hand, and failure to get out of bed have led to him lowering his early morning expectations of me. Now he when he wakes up, he reads the note, turns on the TV and quietly waits for everyone else to surface.

The very first note was "Decorate the Christmas tree". The kids had school and preschool, so had to wait until the afternoon to decorate. All three got stuck in to rummaging through the decorations box and hanging the ornaments. Buster was a bit of a hinderance. His preference was to whack the baubles off the tree and start kicking them around or trying to make them bounce.

I love this photo of the kids beside the tree. It cracks me up looking at Henry standing so straight and tall and serious. I didn't ask him too. I think it shows the influence of school on him.

We are almost half way through the advent calendar and they've only had a chocolate treat twice. I've been pleasantly surprised that they don't seem to miss it. They've written their Christmas cards. Written letters to Santa. We've read a Christmas story. They've decorated Nanoo's Christmas tree. They have also decorated a gingerbread house, which is always loads of fun when it's stick one lolly on the house and then stick one lolly in your mouth.

We've also managed to take the offical Christmas photo. But that story and photos is for a separate blog post. Stay tuned.

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