Friday, October 28, 2011

Rhymes with sporty

Well I've just celebrated a birthday milestone. I've reached an age where I always thought of other people at that age as older, mature, senior. I don't feel any of those things. I still feel like I'm in my early 30s, but the person looking back at me in the mirror looks older.

I had a great birthday (and my birthday festival ain't over yet). I was spoiled by Michael and the kids, surprised by the ladies in my awesome Mother's Group, and received lots of phone calls and well wishes from family and friends. What more could a girl ask for.

Some of my birthday pressies. From Michael, a fancy pants watch that operates as a heart monitor and GPS system for when I go jogging. And a silver bracelet from my sister-in-law.

An indulgent morning tea with my Mother's Group. Check out that birthday cake.

Happy Birthday to me.

Inside the strawberry mousse cake. And yes, it tasted as good as it looks.

Mmm, my birthday dinner cooked by my wonderful Michael.

The end to a perfect day. Dinner with Michael and kids.

More celebrations to come. We are hosting a family birthday dinner this weekend. Expecting Mum to gross everyone out with my birth story.

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