Thursday, April 21, 2011

Football trial

Centre: Henry.

At the beginning of the month Henry played his first trial football match. His season starts at the end of April and this was his first time to play a game against another team before the official competition begins.

I won't lie. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Each team has four players on the field and they play two 20 minute halves. The kids swarm around the ball and just kick it. A couple of the players have an idea they need to kick it in a certain direction and then in the back of the net to score a goal. Henry was not one of these kids. In fact, all I can say is he participated in the game. Most of the time he was running around the swarm and many a time he was running back towards his goal to protect it from no one as the rest of the teams were at the other end of the field. But he had a great time and the game result was a draw in the end.

Half time oranges. Buster wore the team colours and helped himself.

Henry's team has a website that is put together by one of the mums of the boys in his team. She has taken some great photos and video of the boys in action, so if you want to look at more pictures and some video of Henry here is the link.

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