Friday, April 22, 2011

Birthday boy

Poor Henry. It must seem like an age to him having to wait for his birthday. There is always a big build up to the birthdays and with Milly celebrating her birthdate the day before Henry, sometimes it is all a bit much emotionally for him to take. This year was different. He was happy for Milly to have her birthday first and be the centre of attention. So when her day was finally over and we wake up to his birthday he was very excited to take centre stage. Plus we had arranged for his birthday party to be on the same day (more of that in a separate blog entry still to come).

He might be now be six, but he'll always be our little mister.

At last Henry gets a lightsaber of his own. Well, two lightsabers actually, so we can fight him.

Yes, it was a very Star Wars birthday for Henry and he couldn't have been happier.

Me and my little mister.

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