Sunday, February 13, 2011

A day in the life of Buster

Good morning.
Buster likes to start his day by throwing whatever is in his cot out. He also likes to stand and make enough noise to wake Henry up. It's lovely to see his cheeky, smiley face each morning.

Then its downstairs and into the kitchen to share some Cheerios with Henry, while I busy myself making breakfast.

With Milly now joining the morning crew, it is time for breakfast. Buster is out of his high chair and now joins his older siblings at "the kiddies table".

Another morning ritual - tipping his bottle all over the floor and feeling pretty pleased with himself about it.

After a morning nap it is playtime.
He's still not walking on his own yet but he is pretty fast on his legs with anything he can push.

He's also a bit of a climber. He loves going up our stairs, climbing on chairs to reach things, and getting to the top of his slide with no interest in sliding down it.

Making music or making noise.
Buster loves when Henry and Milly include him in their play.

Lunchtime at the dining table.
Buster is quite a thoughtful little lad. He likes to share his food.
Sometimes Henry and Milly move their playtime to the dining table where Buster is unable to take their toys. This doesn't stop him trying to be one of the gang.
At last he is allowed to join in the fun.
Well, until he dismantles Henry's block tower and makes off with the toys.

Dinner time.
Buster insists on feeding himself and he's pretty good at using cutlery and drinking from a cup.

The end of the day draws near. Some cuddles and quiet time with Dadda.

Bath time and it's a solo affair. Henry and Milly prefer not to have a bath with Buster because he crawls all over them. Sometimes I get in with Buster and he crawls all over me, but I love it.

A tired little man.
It's a final cuddle with me before I tuck him in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, what a lovely taste of Buster's world.
Aunty Kathy