Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Goodbye winter, hello spring

I'm not really a sun worshipper, but this winter has been bitter. We have had the fire on every night in the house and I've been dressing like an eskimo. So as the first day of spring arrived bringing with it a change in temperature, I was overjoyed. At last the sun was warming the day and the breezes were not as chilly. In fact the last few days have felt more like summer than spring.

With the outdoors beckoning and a garden to enjoy it was time to make the most of it with some al fresco dining and a spot of painting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely to be able to eat and paint outside. Are Milly and Henry wearing a nice shade of blue lipstick? I am very impressed with the Ozzy talent on display there, it is about time someone gave Rolf Harris a run for his money.
Aunty Kathy