Friday, August 22, 2008

Sixteen trucks

Henry is slowly improving with his language and talking. Don't get me wrong, he can make himself understood and most of his words are said clearly. As his parents, we are very good at translating "Henry speak" into the English language. However, every now and then when he is trying to tell us something we stare blankly at him and get him to repeat himself over and over again until we get it. And so was the case earlier this week when we were in the car and Henry wanted me to play his music CD.

"Not Playschool one Mum-mum. Sixteen trucks one." he said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Sixteen trucks." he replied.

"We don't have a sixteen trucks CD." I said.

"Yes we do." Henry stated confidently.

"How do the songs go?" I tried.

And then out came the familiar lyrics to "I Like to Sing" and I realised sixteen trucks was actually Henry trying to say Justine Clarke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh so sweet, bless him.
Have you had his hearing checked? I speak from experience having had a deaf ear since I was about 4 or 5.
Aunty Kathy