Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Heroes caught on new camera

Michael has gotten us a new camera and we are now back to capturing all those precious moments and embarassing ones. We have been busy packing up our flat in preparation for the big move north in less than three weeks. Our two little helpers are enjoying the many boxes now stacking up around the place. It's amazing how a good old fashioned cardboard box can entertain a child.
Recently, Henry has been enjoying playing dress ups. His current favourite (pictured above) is what he calls "Batman". Now I know and you know what Batman really looks like, but Henry doesn't even know who Batman is. We were at the playground where Henry was playing with a boy in a Batman costume. Since then as far as Henry is concerned anything that he wears that covers his eyes and can be attached to the back of him as a cape he believes he is Batman. As the thoughtful little boy he is he didn't want Milly to be left out, so he insisted she be given a cape as well (see picture below). And when Milly wears her cape he calls her Bat Milly, or as he pronounces her name "Bat Milwee". I of course had to find a cape for myself too and was named Bat Mum Mum. Then the three of us flew around the flat solving mysteries and saving the day.


Anonymous said...

I just love the way Milly can look fiendish one minute and soft, feminine and vulnerable the next! As for gorgeous Henry Boy he just gets more cuddlesome every day.

Looking forward to finding little people in those boxes one day soon.

Nanoo xxx

Anonymous said...

OOO lovely to have the photos back. I love the idea of the Bat Man family. What's Michael? Looking forward to having news of you in your ne home. Have you got jobs to go to as well? New house, new job, and you know what else they say.........new baby!
Love Aunty Kathy x