Thursday, June 26, 2008


This morning I found myself on my hands and knees scrubbing the carpet - twice.

The first time was cleaning up poo on the carpet courtesy of Milly. Stupidly when I first saw it I thought it was dog poo and wondered how a dog had gotten in the flat. Then as I watched Milly drag the poo around with her feet and get her hands in it I remembered she was not wearing a nappy. Note to self: don't let Milly have nappy-free time in the flat.

The second instance was spilt yogurt, this time thanks to Henry. He did apologise, bless him. Note to self: reinforce flat rule of all yogurt to be consumed in areas that are not carpeted.

So now with only three weeks until we move I'm thankful that our new house has floorboards.

PS. We are still without a camera so no photos sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can't quite believe that the life you have had, that gives you your street cred, your professional status and kudos, comes right around to scrubbing poo off the floor. I would just like to say that that it can actually get worse, as I have done it for an ageing parent too! hey ho, that's life I guess!
Aunty Kathy