Friday, May 30, 2008


One of the things I miss most now that Henry and Milly are no longer little babies, is they no longer need or want to be hugged or snuggled. This makes any willing hugs I do get from them extra special. It is feeling the warmth of their bodies when they are snuggled into me, or hearing their slow, deep breathing when they are relaxed and asleep that I miss the most.
With them both recently being sick with dreadful colds I was lucky enough to have them needing me again. A big snuggle with me helped get them off to sleep and make them feel better - it also made me feel pretty good to.

Also, Henry has started going to day care for one day a week. He's adjusted well to this addition to his routine, with the occassional teary eye when Michael drops him off in the morning. When I pick him up later in the afternoon, I spy on him before letting him know that I'm there. He always looks like he is having fun and is playing with other kids. We've already noticed he is more social with other children and he's speaking has improved. He's still a shy boy, but he is slowly coming out of his shell. The picture below was taken just as he was leaving for his first day of day care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes the snuggles. One of the best bits. You are a lovely Mum Tiff. Sadly Karma comes around to get us and all the piss taking of our own parents will come back and bite you fiercly on the maternal instincts as h and m get bigger! ha ha, but it is all part of our role and the fun of watching their personalities evolve.
Aunty Kathy