Sunday, March 30, 2008

Still living in the 80s

It was during the wedding reception at Kangaroo Valley two weeks ago that my friends and I were dancing and singing our hearts out to songs from our youth. And not just having a little dance, no, we were reenacting dance moves from the era as well. Each of us was trying to out do the other, and with each drink we had we thought we were hysterial. Sadly, one of us decided to point out that we had now become the adults we used to laugh at when attending weddings or parties with our parents. In retelling this story to another friend, he correctly pointed out that we had always behaved like this, so nothing had changed.

And to confirm I'm not ready to leave the 80s behind me, I saw Duran Duran at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on Friday. I danced and sang, had a great time and they were unreal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh NO.... I just had a flash back to the FLASH DANCE video that I remember seeing, and your Dad taking the mick out of your 'tot tits' and dance moves, (afectionatly of course!)... yes everyone... Tiff Tot Tits existed in her apprentice years of being the embarrasssing parent on the wedding dance floor..No worries now Tiff but this will reach its climax when Henry and Milly are old enough to give you their, shall we say 'opinion'....that'll be pay back time Tiff..YAY you one of us now Tiff xxxxxxx Aunty dancing Kaffy