Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tornado Milly and a Manicure

Miss Milly has gone from a beached whale to a real mover. Up until just before Christmas she was happy just lying about, occassionally rolling from side to side or onto her tummy. Then a few days before Christmas she started really rolling and spinning herself around the floor. Now four weeks on she is sitting up and slowly commando crawling to anything of interest on the floor. I don't have to put the security gates back up yet, but it is funny to plonk her down in one spot only to find her 'missing in action' having rolled, pushed and pulled herself to a new location. We only have a small flat, but I do find myself asking Henry every now and then "Where's Milly?", only to find her half lodged under the lounge. Although really it's not that hard to find her - she leaves a trail of destruction in her wake.

Milly is also an incredibly messy eater. A good eater, but a messy one. I used to put bibs on her but have since given up as it makes no difference. She goes through a couple of clothes changes a day.

All in all, Milly is going well. She is a great sleeper, is getting less of a cranky pants, loves the outdoors and going for walks, and especially loves banging things and ripping paper. When she gets whingey or cranky, nothing cheers her up more than having bubbles blown around her.

As for Henry, he is simply magic. His girlfriend Allegra came over for a play and she brought with her nail polish she got for Christmas. She painted Henry's nails and he got to return the favour.

We are still toilet training, which has had it's ups and downs, but we are getting there. He now wears underpants during the day and only has a nappy for when he sleeps. He goes to the toilet on his own when he needs to do a wee, and calls for help when he needs to sit.

So what of me and Michael? Well, Michael didn't have any time off over Christmas, so he is just busy working. As for me, January in Australia is tennis season. So I'm glad to not be working and able to watch the tennis (inbetween entertaining the kids of course).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, how time marches on. Rock on Milly the Adventurer and I am pleased to see Henry has started prepping for the Sydney Mardi Gras in February. We await news of a new family member and she will be here by Wednesday 23rd of January as there is a booking to bring her out through 'the sun roof' if she has not come through the 'cat flap' by that date! xxx