Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ho Ho Come?

Christmas is great for kids. I remember loving the anticipation of Christmas morning. I would go to bed early on Christmas Eve (it had to always be before midnight, otherwise Santa wouldn't come - this is something I still do) excited about getting my stocking and eating all the chocolates and lollies in it. I would wake my brother Corin, or he would wake me, and we would compare stockings. Then we would race out to the lounge room and look under the tree at all the different sized presents. We would never open them straight away, instead we would wait for Mum and Dad to get up. When we could wait no longer we would wake them ourselves to get the day rolling.

Now with children of my own, this year I am loving watching Henry enjoy Christmas. This is the first year he really understands what's going on. His and Milly's stockings are hanging up in their bedroom, the tree is up and Henry likes to turn the tree lights on, the two Playgroups he attends have both had Christmas parties, he met Santa at Luna Park when Michael's work held its annual kids Christmas do, we've been to a Carols night in Manly, and now whenever a present is put under the tree Henry asks "Ho Ho Come?".

So when Ho Ho does eventually come, I'm not sure who will be more excited - Henry or me.

Milly at Playgroup.

Henry stroking a baby chicken at Playgroup.

Resembling a little old lady on the bus, here is Milly clutching onto her Santa bag courtesy of the kids Christmas party at Luna Park - an annual party held by Michael's work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI GUYS Happy Christmas. Hope HO HO has come. I am still waiting no one else awake here. Imagine how sad Christmas morning would be if you are an only child. So glad Milly joined you all in time to hang on to her handbag. Lots of love.