Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hair, there, everywhere

What do we do with Henry’s hair? It’s lovely and blonde, thin and wispy. It curls at the ends and he has a couple of ringlets at the back. We love that he looks like a free-spirited child or a bit like a surfer. We get lots of comments about his hair. Friends and strangers all say how much they love it. The only negative opinions come from my parents. When my dad visits he always leaves telling Henry (jokingly) when he next sees him maybe he’ll have had his haircut; and whenever my mum visits she always makes several disapproving remarks about the length of his hair and the need to get it cut. Of course this just makes us more determined not to cut his hair. We love his hair as it is and he isn’t fussed about cutting it either. In fact we know there is no way he would find getting his hair cut an enjoyable experience or sit still for one. I’ll even admit I don’t want him to lose his curls or his blonde ends. I’ve been told by a few friends and other mums in the playground there is a kid’s store that has a hairdresser just for kid’s haircuts, but I’ve noticed all these kids have the same haircut. We fancy something different. So for now it remains as it is. The plan is to bring Henry to my hairdresser at the end of my next appointment and he can see me get my haircut and hopefully he won’t feel too threatened by a pair of scissors near his face and he’ll get some of his hair trimmed.

As for Milly, the great news is the hair she lost is growing back quite quickly, so we can finally say goodbye to her being mistaken for a monk. Milly also had her 8-week check up at the Early Childhood Centre last week. She now weighs 5.3kg, and is 58cm long. All the things she is meant to be doing developmentally she is doing and no one has any issues other than me who is still grieving for chocolate and isn’t enjoying the smell of baby’s vomit.


Anonymous said...


I love Henry's golden curls, he reminds me of a flower child of the 60's. I only worry about the front strands that float across his forehead and when he's at the playground he spends half his time brushing it out of his eyes. He'll wear his arm out!

But I don't envy the first person who approaches him with a pair of scissors. Good luck.


Tiff's Mum AKA Nanoo

PS. I can't believe how little Miss Milly looks so grown up already

Hobson & Teahans said...

Leave his hair as long as you can without cutting it as you may end up losing the curls or decide that it is more practical short and the look is lost.
Rory's hair was the same and everyone used to tell me I had two beautiful girls!(his hair was much prettier than Aisling's) But we cut his off in summer when his head was getting too hot and sweaty. Now it is too thick to let grow long again so there is no evidence of his golden ringlets! Very sad for a mother when the ringlets go.As long as he washes his hair and does not try to replicate his father's look from the mid 90s he is fine!
Milly looks so much like you Tiff.