Monday, May 29, 2006

Reaching milestones

Sunday night at 8.15 pm (May 28), Henry took his first steps.
Henry has been 'cruising' the furniture for some time, and has walked a metre or three holding our hands or pushing his car; but this time he was standing holding on to the lounge and decided he'd just walk. He didn't even hesitate or stop to think about what he was doing - he just did it, unprompted. At first he was just walking on the spot, but then he started moving forward. We were so stunned and excited, when he squatted down to start crawling we immediately stood him up to try to get him to walk again.

He's also said his first word. He can say mama and dadda but he says that to anything, so his first word said in context is ........... boo! Not surprising really, as he loves to play peek-a-boo.

We often hear that Henry seems such a happy lad... and he is really, but of course there are occasionally times when balance must be restored to the universe. Please don't think we did anything to provoke the reaction below, and nor did his little friend Allegra really. She may have touched him or is perhaps even just standing a little bit too close for Henry's liking.


Anonymous said...

OH such wonderful progress in Henry world. Lovely pics. except for the last one..... oh so cute.
Love from Aunty Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi...uncle Roger here..With Libs help just found your Blog...Does Henry want a Leeds Utd shirt or have you gone off 'em
Lots of love
Roger and Margaret
Hopefully coming over Christmas New year