Monday, June 26, 2006

Cheeky boy and a celebrity encounter

We guess it has been a steady and gradual process, but it does seem as if we are suddenly in the company of a little boy, and left wondering where that baby got to. Henry's walking has improved and is now his preferred way of getting around the flat. His front top four teeth have now arrived, which he uses to great affect chewing through his food. Henry loves eating and eats everything. He is now 12kg and 77cm tall.

Henry's has a large box full of toys which he doesn't really show much interest in. He loves music. He has an assortment of musical instruments that he plays with daily. The maracas and xylophone being his favourites. He also loves to dance. He bops up and down, sways and can do the twist. Any music will do.

His other great love is books. He likes being read to, but sometimes he is just happy to go to his book shelf and pull out one book at a time, sitting quietly turning the pages by himself.

Henry is an outdoors boy. He likes going for walks in his stroller and visiting the playground. It was only on Tuesday when we were at our local park that a fellow parent was asking me about Henry as our two children were jostling for positions to go down the slide. I hadn't looked up to see the dad I was talking to, as my eyes were fixed on Henry who wasn't sure if he wanted to go down the slide backwards or on his tummy head first. The dad was trying to coax Henry down the slide, calling him Superman, and Henry happily slid down arms stretched out front, head first. I looked up to give the fellow parent a proud smile that said "that's my boy Henry", and met the gaze of Australia's favourite tennis star - Pat Rafter. I don't know why, but I was slightly embarrassed and quickly picked up Henry and moved on to another area of the playground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Great pics - Henry is a proper little chap now isn't he. So does Pat Rafter live in Balmoral? Tiff you look thinner than I have ever seen you, is this the 30's effect and being a young Mum?
Thanks for keeping this updated, the minuet you get bored with it I have no clue as to Henry' progress, so please keep going.