Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Winter Fun

Another month has passed us by and we've been as busy as ever trying to keep on top of things with young Henry (I mean really... like it's a chore or something).
We have just come back from a great week at the snow down in Thredbo, where Henry got his first taste of the white stuff. From shorter trips we had taken we were somewhat concerned as to how he would take being in the car for around 6 hours at a time, but as it turned out we were both quite envious of him as he managed to sleep just about the entire way there and back again. Whilst there Henry managed to settle into his new surroundings and seemed to enjoy the change of scenery, and a good dump of snow mid way through the week meant a good session of play before we left. Mum and Dad managed to get some snowboarding in during the week, swapping shifts with Moz and Dave who were there with their daughter Allegra.

The snow trip also managed to coincide with our first case of family sickness, with all of us succumbing to cold and flu for the best part of the last few weeks. Lots of sniffles and snorts, and even less sleep than normal, but we're all on the mend finally.

Last Sunday was also fathers day here in the land of Oz, which is when the picture below of a very tired looking dad was taken. He's feeling a bit more awake now, thanks to the sugar content in the truckload of chocolate that Henry kindly bought for him. The other picture is Henry with Allegra, also taken on the same day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mum Dad and Henry
Lovely to see your holiday snaps. The one of a tired Dad is hysterical if you look at Henry's face...he looks quietly satisfied with his progress. I can see that Henry is thinking " Yeah, mission accomplished, scoring 10 poimts for 'Babymission' of 1 knackered parent."