Sunday, September 25, 2005

Due to Henry's fast paced lifestyle and the stresses of everyday baby life, Tiff has been taking him to massage classes for the last few weeks. Massaging tiny bodies isn't as simple as it may sound; for one thing it helps if the massagee keeps still for the duration which tends to complicate proceedings. Nonetheless, Henry enjoys his massages and finds them very relaxing.

The past week has seen Henry reach the five month milestone. His weight is now 7.35kg, with a height of 64cm. We have started him on basic solids (rice cereal) and will begin to add pureed fruit and vegetables over the coming weeks. It didn't take him long to learn to open his mouth and swallow when presented with his food on a spoon. He now trys to grab the spoon with both hands and brings it to his mouth on his own. Sometimes he gets the spoon in his mouth, the other times he gets his cheek. A lot of messy fun.

On the subject of grabbing he now grabs and reaches for everything. In particular he loves trying to grab for his mobile and all the dangling things on his playgym. He also loves grabbing Tiff's hair and face, as well as sticking his fingers in her mouth. Sometimes he is gentle, other times over excited - as a result Tiff has a few scratches.

Henry practices an important life skill - looking busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad Henry is developing the ozy skill of kicking back nad keeping the female in his life in check by asserting himself. A scratchon the face so she cannot face the public and has to stay in to take care of him is a clever twist! Once again Henry scores another 10 points to report back to babymission HQ. lol LOVE the pics. x x