Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Baby update - 34 weeks

What a busy few weeks we have had and my belly continues to grow. Another check up and the baby is still head down. The baby's movements are felt quite often now and are visible with my tummy sometimes lurching from side to side. I don't know what the baby is doing in there, but it seems to be enjoying itself. The Braxton Hicks have also started.

We have also been to an aromatherapy massage class. The class taught us how we can use essential oils and massage techniques during labour. The class also showed us how to massage the baby once it is born. It was a good class and I've had Michael practising the massages on me at home. Mmm, very nice and relaxing. We start the official birth classes this weekend.

I'm still sleeping well, but don't seem to be getting much extra rest. I finish work in two weeks so will take that time to put the feet up and take it easy. The nesting instinct hasn't hit me yet, but we are 90% prepared for baby's arrival.

We'd like to say a special thank you to Lib and Mike, Mark and Kim-Marie, Mim and Phil, and our parents for equipping us with so many of the baby essentials. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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