Saturday, February 26, 2022

COVID positive


We've avoided it for two years but now it is in our house and it all started with Mister.

He woke up with a sore throat and feeling stuffy in the nose and head.  He did a RAT test and it was negative.

The next day, he woke up feeling worse.  Had vomited during the night and the poor kid looked and sounded terrible.  He did another RAT test and it was positive.

We moved Boo out of their shared room and isolated Mister from the rest of us.  He'd text us if he was hungry or thirsty, and we'd deliver to him wearing masks.  We are constantly sanitising our hands and anything he touches when using the bathroom.

He is double vaccinated (was actually going to get his booster on the day he tested positive) and he's gotten through the past week with only one aspirin, lots of naps, lots of orange juice, and lots of hot lemon and honey drinks.  His appetite has remained and now he's at day seven of isolation, his spirits have lifted.  

The rest of our household has continued to test negative, so from tomorrow we are able to leave isolation.  As Mister is still showing symptoms, we'll keep him in isolation for a few days more.

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