Wednesday, November 25, 2020

First born gets first job


A rite of passage for Mister - financial independence and a tax file number.  Getting that first job can be stressful.  With no experience to put on a resume, how do employers differentiate between each unskilled young teenager?  

Mister had originally interviewed with McDonalds and was unsuccessful.  That first knock back didn't sway him and he kept applying for jobs.  KFC invited him to an interview and 10 minutes later he walked out with a uniform and loads of paperwork.

He's getting a least one five-hour shift a week and during the school holidays he picks up a few extras.  He mainly works on the front counter or drive thru, and they've put him on a list of people to train and work in the kitchen.  He's gaining those important life and work skills...and hopefully a nice looking bank balance as well.

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