Monday, April 06, 2020

Home school

The past four months have certainly been interesting and testing.  COVID19 has shaken the world and here's how it's shaken ours.

For years, when the kids are having an off day, they have bemoaned "I don't want to go to school, can't you home school me?".  When the school's encouraged everyone to keep their kids home and classes started online learning, it was a nice novelty for the kids.  They would stay in their pyjamas all day.  The kitchen was in close proximity and they didn't have to wait for recess or lunch - they just raided the fridge and pantry when hunger struck.  However, a few weeks in, the novelty wore off.

Michael and myself were both working fulltime.  They had little support, no access to a printer and basically had to fend for themselves.  This suited Henry and Milly who managed to get on with it and work independently, but Buster struggled.  He had to access his online lessons through an old tablet or share a computer with Michael (who was trying to work).  He needed help to explain his work and keep him on track, was easily distracted and basically hated it.  He missed his teacher and the classroom.  There were tears everyday.

His school remained open to those who couldn't keep their kids home and we did contemplate sending him.  However, with myself working at a hospital we just didn't want to risk it.  If we go into lockdown again, we'll probably send him to school.

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