Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Milly - goodbye to primary school

It has been a huge year for Milly and one we are so proud of.  Her personal achievements have seen her end her final year of primary school on a high and proven just what kind of character and determination she has.

She has had a very busy year.  She was school prefect, represented the school at leadership conferences and workshops, represented the school in public speaking, a member of the skipping team and skipping demonstration team, member of the school girl's cricket team, had a lead role in the school's whole-school production, performed to sold out shows with her theatre school, started learning tennis and competed in her first tournament, auditioned for the CAPA (Creative & Performing Arts) class for high school selection and secured a place, went to Canberra on a school excursion and saw snow for the first time, was a peer support leader, and ran the school parliament.  Yes, I'm boasting, and why not?  I'm a proud parent.

Her year culminated in her graduation formal where she could celebrate with her friends and teachers and say goodbye to primary school.

Below is a snippet of her teacher's comments in her end-of-year school report:

"Milly has enjoyed a stellar year of success throughout year six and continues to produce stunning results and personal bests in her vast portfolio of completed work samples throughout 2019.  She enthusiastically approaches all learning tasks within the classroom setting and continues to develop a tremendous desire to consistently expand her comprehensive knowledge base.  Milly contributes to all classroom discussions, group work scenarios and informal forums with an insightful and informed opinion.  Her future success in high school will be as a result of her diligence to academic success and aspiration.  Milly has excelled in the prestigious position of school Prefect and not only enjoyed the responsibilities of this position, she consistently seeks new ways to offer her services to the school in a genuine measure of her natural talent in leadership.  Milly is an outstanding student who has demonstrated a positive attitude towards learning in all key learning areas and she always displays a high degree of respect towards her peers and teachers alike.  She leads by example and should be congratulated on her consistent effort in 2019 and her exemplary record in class and the playground.  Milly is a critical thinker who functions best when being challenged with enriched learning tasks and this is coupled with her talent as a public speaker."

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