Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Michael does Vegas

Michael had the fortune of being invited by Dell Technologies to their conference in Las Vegas.  So we said goodbye to him for a week as he headed off for a few days of tech talks and taking in the sites of the City of Lights.

Michael tells me there are poker machines everywhere, including all throughout the airport.  So if you're desperate for a flutter while waiting for your baggage in the collection area... don't sweat it, the opportunity to lose some dollars is there.

Dell had booked Michael into the Palazzo hotel.  His hotel suite was huge.


Around 1500 people attended the conference event.  Even Will.I.Am was there to talk about artificial intelligence.  The band Imagine Dragons entertained the congregation on the final night.

Then it was back home to three very excited children to see their dad.

1 comment:

Janet Hobson said...

Love all the photos a long while since accessing the Blog - so much to see, birthdays, Easter, Anzac Day and Vegas............WOW. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!