Saturday, March 16, 2019

Back to school

Above is a picture of Milly and Buster taken the morning of their first day back at school.  Look how happy they are.  Milly in her final year of primary and a prefect.  Buster in Year 4.  I don't have a photo of Henry on his first day.  There wasn't time and by mid morning the school had called and asked me to collect him.  He'd been sick.  Vomit down his uniform.  A lovely way for him to begin Year 8 in high school.

They have all now been at school for seven weeks.  Term 1 is nearing completion and it has been a busy few months.  The high school transition process has already begun for Milly.  We've had lots of discussions on which high school she'd like to attend.  The performing arts school was an option but she has now decided against it.  Instead she wants to go to the same high school has her older brother and attend the performing arts program offered there.  We have an application to complete and she has an audition to prepare for before she is accepted.

Milly is also busy with rehearsals for her theatre's next production of Madagascar Junior.  Performances start mid April

Henry has assignments and exams all due this week and next.  He'll be playing soccer again this winter and his training starts this week.

Buster is just loving life and enjoying his new class and teacher.


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