Friday, February 02, 2018

Back to school

Hooray for the end of school holidays.  It's back to school.  Everyone was organised and happy to head out the door for the first day back, until Boo yanked his arm and hurt it.  So no smiles from him in these "back to school" photos.

Everyone enjoyed their first day of school.  No homework was given, so they were very happy.  Mister has a big timetable, that he understands, and high school doesn't seem that daunting anymore.  There is only one other boy from his primary school in his class.  He's most excited that he gets to dissect a squid at some stage during the year.

1 comment:

Janet Hobson said...

Wondered what had happened to Buster as he didn't look his cheerful self.............hope the arm is better now. Henry appears to have settled into high school and hope he makes some new friends. Love Milly's hair,