Thursday, July 13, 2017


Had a couple of random Boosie (aka Buster) pictures to share.

Friday mornings during school term mean early drop offs for the older two.  If Boosie can get ready in time for school with no fuss, he is rewarded with a hot chocolate at the cafe opposite the school.  Just him and me time.  I won't lie, it also gives me a chance to quiz him on his word list before his weekly spelling test.

He does tennis lessons with Henry and loves them.  His coach has a soft spot for him too.  Check out his recent report card from tennis.

It's been a long time coming but teeth are starting to wobble at a steady rate now.  What seemed like ages before losing his first tooth, has turned into a wiggly teeth everywhere.  The Tooth Fairies will be busy, despite him not believing they exist.

1 comment:

Janet Hobson said...

The hot chocolate looks yummy. Great tennis report.
Buster you must be earning lots of money from the tooth fairy!!