Friday, April 14, 2017

Dad's 70th

It's important to celebrate those milestone birthdays.  Especially when you reach the age of 70.  I missed out on my Dad's 60th birthday due to being heavily pregnant with Milly and unable to travel.  I wasn't missing this one.

There aren't many direct flights from Newcastle to Coffs Harbour and it turned out they were booked full for the trip up.  My wonderful Dad came to the rescue.  He drove all the way to collect me.  My brother also came up from Sydney to take advantage of the lift to Coffs and make it a family road trip.   

It's approximately a 4 1/2 hour drive from Newcastle to Coffs, but it's amazing how quick the time flies when you are cruising in a super comfortable car and there are no kids to placate.  I sat in the back, stared out the windows and daydreamed.

Being the first weekend of the Easter school holidays there were plenty of police patrolling the roads.

Once we arrived in Coffs, it was nice to sit down with a cup of tea and then time to get ready for the party.  Dad only wanted an intimate affair of close friends and family, with the instruction of no balloons or a birthday cake.

Tracey had put together a delicious spread of canapes.  The ones picture below are Beetroot, Candied Walnuts and Goats Cheese Cream cones.  Seriously yum.

It was lovely to catch up with lots of old family friends and meet some of Dad's new ones.  There was a lot of love for the old man, which was touching to see.

The morning after.  Neither myself or Corin drink anymore, so no hangovers for us.  Dad did ok too.

Corin had to catch a flight back to Sydney, so on the way to the airport we did a drive by of old haunts.  I love Coffs beaches.

With Corin flying home, we headed out to lunch.  Dad and Tracey's favourite spot is in Urunga called Anchors Wharf Cafe.  Food is good.  Very good.

The following day was my turn to head home.  I'd secured a flight for my return on a very tiny plane.  It was an 18 seater.  My Dad calls them Buzz Boxes because they're noisy and shake.

So it was farewell to Coffs Harbour with her beautiful blue skies and sun, and hello Newcastle where it was overcast and windy.

Two out of four to welcome me home.  Look at her smile.  My smile was just as big.

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