Tuesday, January 05, 2016

2015 Boxing Day Huckers Tournament

As is tradition, Boxing Day was spent playing Huckers.  Competing for Grandad's ashes were my Dad, my brother Corin, Michael and myself.  There was a lot at stake.  My Dad was carry over champion and still retains the lead in trophy victories.  No one wanted him to win again.  As is also tradition, no one wanted my brother to win either.  All the makings for a tense and exciting tournament.

To win the trophy all that is required is to be the victor of two games.  I think we were all surprised with the lack of swearing at this year's tournament.  That could be down to the amount of alcohol consumed and the heat, making some players a little doper than usual.  Being a non-drinker this played in my favour.

The first game was won by Michael.  The second game by Corin.  I won the third game and then miraculously won the fourth as well.  Victory was very sweet indeed.

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