Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I've been keeping a secret

Yes, I've been keeping a little secret.  And NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT!  It's about my beloved vegetable garden.  You remember the one.  The garden I continually start and blog about, only to have it destroyed by predators or my lack of care.  Well check this out.  I erected a possum proof fence and put up some bird netting.  I mulch, I check for caterpillars, I fertilise with my own home made worm wee, and we are just now beginning to enjoy the spoils of the garden.  For some reason my beetroot is still not flourishing, but the kid's sunflowers and the rest are looking good.

Lettuce and beetroot.




Fencing and netting have saved the day.

Lettuce, beetroot and sunflowers.

So there you have it.  My beautiful garden is thriving again.  I must say a big thank you to my Aunt Kathy in the UK whose allotment inspired me to keep trying.  The gardenia below is for you.

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