Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The most played with toy in our house are these Lego Quatro blocks.  Recommended age on the box is 1-3, which is way outside our current age grouping of 4-9.  The creative play these blocks deliver in our household is priceless.  I'm sure these were a gift to Henry for his first Christmas or his first birthday.  Either way they really are the gift that keeps on giving.
The kids aren't allowed to watch TV in the morning on school days, so we often find them playing blocks together while breakfast is being made.  I've noticed they don't individually play with the blocks, they always play as a group.  They make people out of their blocks, and the blocks go to school or have sleepovers and parties.  Play is largely dictated by Milly, which generally works as Henry is happy to play along.  However, Buster is more like his sister and likes to do his own thing, so doesn't like to be directed in what to do with his blocks.  This quite often sees him excluded by Milly and results in pouts and tears.  After some intervention they are all back playing blocks together.


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