Monday, April 21, 2014

7th heaven


Happy birthday to our little poppet.  Finally the day had arrived and she was excited beyond belief.  Seven at last.  There were presents, chocolate pancakes for breakfast, and doing everything with Auntie Nikki.



Buster made sure he didn't miss out on any special attention.  He snuggled up to Nanna Trace and they played computer games together.

Later in the afternoon, Corin, Yin and Casper arrived, which signalled play time for the boys.   Michael started the chiminea and we were hoping we could sit about outside and toast some marshmallows, but the mosquitoes were so menacing he burnt off some branches and twigs instead and we stayed indoors.


Tracey had the latest edition of Delicious magazine with her and during the day we had been drooling over some of the featured food.  We picked out two favourites and worked together in the kitchen to create a sumptuous feed for all.

Caramelised onion and blue cheese flatbread.

Wine-braised chicken with roasted grapes.
 Nanna Trace had made some red velvet cupcakes and tiny edible rabbits.  The kids devoured them.

Once everyone was fed and the adults well lubricated, it was time for the Bartley Huckers championship to commence.  Those of you who follow our blog will know that traditionally we play for the trophy of Grandad's ashes every second Boxing Day, because that's generally when we are all together.  However, this was an exceptional time for us all to be together again, so the opportunity was not to be missed.  Grandad Bryan was the reigning champ, having won the past two championships and no one wanted to see him win again.  The first player to win two games is crowned Huckers Champion.

And who could believe it.....I won in two games back to back.  Dad had not brought the trophy with him, so we substituted the dice rolling cup for the official hand over of Champ-to-Champ photo.  Nice photobomb by Henry.  Funniest moment of the night went to Dad, who had had a few scotches and threw the dice back in the dice cup not even realising it was his hot mug of coffee.  After the dice were spooned out and dried, it was noted in the official minutes of the game that Corin was unable to roll a six after that.

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