Friday, January 03, 2014

Christmas holidays - Day 3

I know Henry gets excited about presents and I totally expected him to wake early, but 4.30am.....seriously.  He was really good and didn't wake anyone else but we were sharing a bed and he couldn't get back to sleep, which meant I didn't get back to sleep either.  Merry Christmas!

Slowly but surely, Buster then Milly got up and Christmas offically started at 6.00am.

Wide awake and ready to start.

Slightly sleepy.

"Is it Christmas yet mumma?"

Someone was excited he got a book and someone else was excited he got a chocolate.

Snooping under the tree.

Thank you Grandad.

The boys were excited to share the Skylanders present from Santa.

But someone wasn't happy they didn't get a tablet for Christmas too. 
He was even quoted saying "I hate my life".

The joy of putting together presents only to discover you forgot the batteries.

Barbie's campervan.  I have very fond memories of getting one for Christmas too when I was a youngster.

Look what my Dad got for Christmas.

A Bloody Mary for breakfast.  Don't mind if I do.

Salad, prawns, ham, turkey, potatoes, stuffing, trifle, custard tart, and adults-only punch.  A festive feast.  Thanks to Tracey and Dad.

Mister and his Christmas lunch.

Our fussy eater and her Christmas lunch (potatoes and cucumber).

Guess who was asleep by 5.00pm?  Sweet Christmas dreams my Boo.

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