Saturday, September 21, 2013

Some randoms

"You're choking me Buster".
Buster doesn't like to walk around outside without his shoes on.  So when he insists on not wearing his shoes he also insists on being carried around.  Henry is always happy to oblige.

Practising his "how to look busy" face.

"Super Monkey".
This is one of Henry's school projects.  He had to make a marionette puppet using recycled materials and plastic shopping bags.

"A Farm".
This is Milly's first school project that she made in class.  It is a farm complete with sheep, a chicken coop, pig sty, duck pond and barn.

Milly's first school concert.  Her class did an Hawaiian dance.  For a girl who stomps and clomps her way around, she surprised us with her gracefully dancing and performance.

Grandad Bryan came to stay. 

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